Call for action

Bridges for Hope and Peace 


In April 2017, the NGO “Bridges for Hope and Peace” (B4HP) was founded with Martin Fellacher, Michaela Fried and Angela Eberding among others as board members.



The aim is, to support psychosocial involvement in conflict-prone settings. An initial focus is on the work of Michaela Fried and late Ahmed Tawahina in Gaza with parents and schools. Michaela Fried’s distinguished speech at the international conference in Tel Aviv in May this year already gave an impression to many people from the NVR network. Read here more about it!



 Our call for action


As an NGO, B4HP further aims to be a platform for different peace-building activities in different countries all over the world. Supporters and members are cordially welcome to join! The leaflet attached was translated to German as well, and all the Institutes in the German speaking countries agreed to print them and hand them out to participants in their trainings.


PartshipProjectsUK as well as PINA already committed to donate 1% of the annual earnings to B4HP – imitators are most welcome!